@extends('template.'.config('settings.template').'.content.master') @section('content')

Create your own Lumino Theme

Here you find all the ressources you need to develop your own Lumino theme from scratch.

Get the minimal Demo Theme

This will help you getting started in no time. Use our boilerplate to start ajusting the theme to your needs.
Basic functionalities included.

Learn about the Lumino Key Concepts


A content is every information that is published on the Website. Every content is defined by its content type and inherits all the atributes from it.


A list is a collection of contents or users. You can create unlimited lists with different includes and filters. For each list you can define its own list design.


A page can be a static HTML page or display contents.

Content Typpe

A content type defines the fields a content consists of. This is made through Content Type Fields.
Example: A Content Car could consist of Content Type fields "Brand", "Color", "Fabrication date" and "Location"

Content Typpe Fields

A content type field is what defines a content type.
List of available content type fileds:

  • Text
  • Textfield
  • email
  • url
  • color
  • number
  • location
  • regex


A user is everyone that can log in to the system. Each user belongs to one usergrroup from where the user inherits its permissions and custom fields.


A usergroup defines the users permissions and any additionl information about the user.

List Group

A listgroupis a "list of lists". That means that it consits of multiple lists that share the same or similar characteritics.
Example: The Lists "London", "Sydney", "Boston and "Rio de Janeiro" could be brought together in the List "Cities".

Read the Lumino Theme Developer Documentation

For full reference please refer to the Lumino Developer Documentation
Basic functionalities included.

This site is still under construction.
