2021-05-10 20:16:18 +00:00
@ extends ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.master' )
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
@ section ( 'content' )
< style >
. jumbotron - ln {
background : #ccc;
background - position : left top ;
background - repeat : no - repeat ;
background - size : cover ;
height : 250 px ;
background - color : #6c23d7;
. jumbotron - ln h1 {
color : white ;
body {
overflow - x : hidden ;
. brand , . brand a {
font - size : 37 px ;
color : white ;
font - weight : 300 ;
. brand a : hover {
color : white ;
text - decoration : none ;
. intro {
font - size : 20 px ;
margin - bottom : 70 px ;
. top - border - radius {
border - top - left - radius : 0.25 rem ;
border - top - right - radius : 0.25 rem ;
article . card - body {
padding - right : 0.5 rem ;
padding - left : 0.5 rem ;
#article-section .container {
padding - left : 7 px ;
padding - right : 7 px ;
#article-section .container .col-lg-12{
padding - left : 0 px ;
padding - right : 0 px ;
@ media only screen and ( min - width : 575 px ) {
article . card - body {
padding - right : 1.5 rem ;
padding - left : 1.5 rem ;
#article-section .container{
padding - left : 15 px ;
padding - right : 15 px ;
#article-section .container .col-lg-12{
padding - left : 15 px ;
padding - right : 15 px ;
</ style >
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
@ if ( config ( 'settings.image' ) and ! isset ( $categoryModel ) or ( isset ( $categoryModel ) and ! $categoryModel -> image ))
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
< style >
. jumbotron - ln {
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
background - image : url ({{ asset ( 'uploads/' . config ( 'settings.image' )) }});
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
</ style >
@ endif
@ if ( isset ( $categoryModel ) and $categoryModel -> image )
< style >
. jumbotron - ln {
background - image : url ({{ asset ( 'uploads/categories/' . $categoryModel -> image ) }});
</ style >
@ endif
< div class = " jumbotron-ln " >
< div class = " container brand " >
< br >
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
< a href = " { { url('/')}} " > {{ config ( 'settings.name' )}} </ a >
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
< br >
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
< span style = " font-size: 50%; " > {{ config ( 'settings.tagline' )}} </ span >
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
</ div >
</ div >
@ if ( \Session :: get ( 'premium_code' ))
< div class = " bg-ci text-center bg-premium-code " style = " font-size: 12px;display:none; cursor: pointer; " title = " View your Code and expiration " >< i class = " fal fa-gem " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.premium-active' ) }} </ div >
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
@ include ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.includes.premium-banner' )
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
@ endif
@ if ( ! \Session :: get ( 'premium_code' ))
@ if ( env ( 'PAYMENT' , false ))
< div class = " text-center " id = " enter-code " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #exampleModalCode " title = " Here you can buy a premium pass or use an existing one to log-in " >< i class = " fal fa-gem " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.buy-login' ) }} </ div >
@ endif
< div class = " modal fade " id = " exampleModalCode " tabindex = " -1 " role = " dialog " aria - labelledby = " exampleModalLabel " aria - hidden = " true " >
< div class = " modal-dialog " role = " document " style = " max-width: 800px; " >
< form method = " post " action = " " class = " enter-premium-code " >
< div class = " modal-content " >
< div class = " modal-header " >
< h5 class = " modal-title " id = " exampleModalLabel " > {{ __ ( 'public.buy-login' ) }} </ h5 >
< button type = " button " class = " close " data - dismiss = " modal " aria - label = " Close " >
< span aria - hidden = " true " >& times ; </ span >
</ button >
</ div >
< div class = " modal-body " style = " padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; " >
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
@ include ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.includes.premium-pass' )
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
< style >
. modal section {
padding - bottom : 0 px ;
</ style >
< div class = " container " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-8 offset-2 col-md-6 offset-md-3 " >
< h5 style = " text-align: center " > {{ __ ( 'public.login-existing' ) }} </ h5 >
< br >
< div class = " form-group " >
< label for = " premium_code " > {{ __ ( 'public.enter-active-code' ) }} </ label >
< input type = " text " minlength = " 6 " maxlength = " 6 " class = " form-control " id = " premium_code " required = " required " aria - describedby = " emailHelp " placeholder = " XXXXXX " >
</ div >
< div id = " content_premium " ></ div >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-primary btn-enter-premium float-right " style = " margin-bottom: 20px; " >< i class = " fal fa-sign-in " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.login-plan' ) }} </ button >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
@ endif
@ if ( env ( 'APP_ACCESS' , 'public' ) == 'code' )
< div class = " container " >
< br >
< a href = " { { route('logout') }} " class = " float-right " onclick = " event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('logout-form').submit(); " >< i class = " fal fa-sign-out " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.logout' ) }} Logout </ a >
< form id = " logout-form " action = " { { route('logout') }} " method = " POST " style = " display: none; " >
{{ csrf_field () }}
</ form >
< br >
< br >
</ div >
@ endif
@ if ( \Route :: currentRouteName () != 'author.get' )
< div class = " row " style = " margin-top:50px; " >
< div class = " mx-auto " style = " overflow: scroll " >
< div class = " btn-group btn-group-toggle mx-auto " data - toggle = " buttons " >
< label class = " btn btn-lg { { (!isset( $categoryModel ) and \R equest::route()->getName() != 'nachrichten.get' and \R equest::route()->getName() != 'author.get') ? 'active btn-primary' : 'btn-outline-primary' }} " onclick = " location.href = ' { { url('/') }}'; " >
< input type = " radio " name = " options " id = " option1 " autocomplete = " off " checked = " " > < i class = " fal fa-bookmark " aria - hidden = " true " ></ i > Home
</ label >
@ foreach ( $categories as $category )
< label class = " btn btn-lg { { (isset( $categoryModel ) and $category->id == $categoryModel->id ) ? 'active btn-primary' : 'btn-outline-primary' }} " onclick = " location.href = ' { { url('/' . $category->slug ) }}'; " >
< input type = " radio " name = " options " id = " option3 " autocomplete = " off " >
@ if ( $category -> icon == 'bitcoin' )
< i class = " fab fa- { { $category -> icon } } " ></ i >
@ else
< i class = " fal fa- { { $category -> icon } } " ></ i >
@ endif
{{ $category -> name }}
</ label >
@ endforeach
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " container " >
< div class = " col-12 " >
@ if ( isset ( $categoryModel ))
< br >< br >
< h1 >
@ if ( $categoryModel -> icon == 'bitcoin' )
< i class = " fab fa- { { $categoryModel -> icon } } " ></ i >
@ else
< i class = " fal fa- { { $categoryModel -> icon } } " ></ i >
@ endif
{{ $categoryModel -> name }} </ h1 >
@ else
< br >< br >
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
< h1 > {{ config ( 'settings.name' )}} </ h1 >
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
@ endif
< p class = " intro " >
@ if ( isset ( $categoryModel ))
{{ $categoryModel -> description }}
@ else
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
{{ config ( 'settings.description' )}}
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
@ endif
< br >
</ p >
</ div >
</ div >
@ endif
< div class = " container " >
< div class = " row " >
@ if ( \Route :: currentRouteName () == 'author.get' )
< div class = " col-sm-12 col-md-2 text-center " >
< br >
< br >
< img src = " { { $author->gravatar () }}?s=120&d=identicon&r=PG " width = " 120 " class = " rounded-circle img-fluid border " title = " { { $author->name }} " >
</ div >
< div class = " col-sm-12 col-md-10 " >
< br >< br >
< h1 > {{ $author -> name }} </ h1 >
< p class = " intro " >
{{ $author -> description }}
</ p >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-md-7 col-sm-12 " >
@ if ( isset ( $author -> social_networks [ 'email' ]))
< a href = " mailto: { { $author->social_networks ['email'] }} " >< i class = " fal fa-envelope " ></ i ></ a >
@ endif
@ if ( isset ( $author -> social_networks [ 'site' ]))
< a href = " { { $author->social_networks ['site'] }} " > {{ $author -> social_networks [ 'site' ] }} </ a >
@ endif
< br >
< br >
</ div >
< div class = " col-md-5 col-sm-12 text-center " >
< ? php
$social = [
'telegram' ,
'behance' ,
'snapchat' ,
'stack-overflow' ,
'vimeo' ,
'github' ,
'reddit' ,
'instagram' ,
'linkedin' ,
'pinterest' ,
'twitter' ,
'facebook' ,
@ foreach ( $social as $value )
@ if ( isset ( $author -> social_networks [ $value ]))
< a href = " { { $author->social_networks [ $value ] }} " >< i class = " fab fa- { { $value }} " ></ i ></ a >
@ endif
@ endforeach
< br >
< br >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
@ endif
@ if ( \Route :: currentRouteName () == 'welcome' )
< div class = " col-12 " >
< br >
< br >
< h2 class = " h4 " class = " text-center " > {{ __ ( 'public.popular-authors' ) }} </ h2 >
</ div >
@ foreach ( $authors as $author )
< div class = " col-4 col-md-2 text-center " >
< br >
< a href = " { { route('author.get', [ $author->slug ]) }} " title = " { { $author->name }} " >
< img src = " { { $author->gravatar () }}?s=120&d=identicon&r=PG " width = " 120 " class = " rounded-circle img-fluid border " >
</ a >
</ div >
@ endforeach
<!--< div class = " col-lg-12 " style = " text-align: center " >
< br >
< br >
< a href = " " > See all authors < i class = " fal fa-arrow-right " ></ i ></ a >
< br >
< br >
< br >
< br >
< br >
< br >
< br >
< br >
</ div >-->
< div class = " col-lg-12 " >
< br >
< br >
< br >
</ div >
@ endif
</ div >
</ div >
< section id = " article-section " >
< div class = " container " >
@ if ( env ( 'APP_WRITE' , false ))
< br >
< br >
< br >
< a href = " " class = " float-right " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #exampleModal " >< i class = " fal fa-plus " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.propose-content' ) }} Neuen Inhalt einreichen </ a >
< br >
< br >
@ endif
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
@ include ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.includes.create-content' )
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
< br >
@ if ( session () -> has ( 'success' ))
< div class = " row justify-content-center " >
< div class = " col-lg-8 " >
@ if ( is_array ( session () -> get ( 'success' )))
< div class = " alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show " role = " alert " >
< h4 class = " alert-heading " > Nachricht wurde erfolgreich eingereicht !</ h4 >
Ihre Nachricht wurde erfolgreich an uns übermittelt und wir nach Prüfung hier veröffentlicht .
< button type = " button " class = " close " data - dismiss = " alert " aria - label = " Close " >
< span aria - hidden = " true " >& times ; </ span >
</ button >
</ div >
@ else
{{ session () -> get ( 'success' ) }}
@ endif
</ div >
</ div >
@ endif
@ if ( session () -> has ( 'error' ))
< div class = " row justify-content-center " >
< div class = " col-lg-8 " >
@ if ( is_array ( session () -> get ( 'error' )))
< div class = " alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade show " role = " alert " >
< h4 class = " alert-heading " > Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten !</ h4 >
Beim übermitteln Ihrer Nachricht ist ein Fehler aufgetreten . Der Admin wurde informiert .
< button type = " button " class = " close " data - dismiss = " alert " aria - label = " Close " >
< span aria - hidden = " true " >& times ; </ span >
</ button >
</ div >
@ else
{{ session () -> get ( 'error' ) }}
@ endif
</ div >
</ div >
@ endif
< div class = " article-feed " >
< article class = " newsentry " style = " width: 100%; " data - slug = " { { $nach->category ->slug }}/ { { $nach->slug }} " >
@ if ( $nach -> paid != 0 and ( empty ( $nach -> premium_until ) or $nach -> premium_until > date ( 'Y-m-d' )) and ! \Session :: get ( 'premium_code' ))
< div class = " col-lg-12 " >
< div class = " card shadow-lg " id = " news- { { $nach -> id } } " >
< div class = " card-body " style = " padding-bottom: 0; " >
@ if ( $nach -> created_at -> diffInHours ( date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )) < 1 )
< div class = " progress " style = " height: 30px; " >
< div class = " progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated bg-warning " role = " progressbar " aria - valuenow = " 100 " aria - valuemin = " 0 " aria - valuemax = " 100 " style = " width: 100% " >
< span style = " color: black; font-size: 16px; " > {{ $nach -> created_at -> diffForHumans () }} veröffentlicht </ span >
</ div >
</ div >
< br >
@ endif
< a href = " { { route('nachrichten.get', [ $nach->category ->slug, $nach->slug ]) }} " >
< h2 class = " card-title " > {{ $nach -> title }} </ h2 >
</ a >
< h6 class = " card-subtitle mb-2 " >
@ if ( $nach -> user and $nach -> user -> public_author == 1 )
< a class = " text-dark " href = " { { route('author.get', [ $nach->user ->slug]) }} " " >
< img src = " { { $nach->user ->gravatar() }}?s=32&d=identicon&r=PG " width = " 32 " class = " rounded-circle " >
{{ $nach -> user -> name }}
</ a > - < span style = " font-weight: normal " class = " text-dark " " > { { date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime( $nach->created_at ))}}</span>
@ else
< span style = " font-weight: normal " class = " text-dark " " > { { date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime( $nach->created_at ))}}</span>
@ endif
</ h6 >
@ if ( $nach -> category )
< a href = " { { route('category.get', [ $nach->category ->slug]) }} " >
< div class = " badge badge-primary " >
< p style = " margin:3px;font-size:15px; " > {{ $nach -> category -> name }} </ p >
</ div >
</ a >
@ endif
@ if ( $nach -> image )
< img src = " { { asset('uploads/' . $nach->image ) }} " class = " img-responsive " style = " max-width: 100%;margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top:20px; display: block; " >
@ endif
</ div >
< div class = " card-body card-preview- { { $nach->id }} pay-preview " >
< div >
< div class = " card-text " id = " text_news_ { { $nach -> id } } " >
<!-- Here comes the payment preview , tha is the first 200 words of the news content -->
{ !! \Str :: limit ( $nach -> nachrichten , 285 , ' ...' ) !! }
</ div >
</ div >
@ if ( $nach -> type_id == 2 )
< p class = " card-text " >
< p style = " font-weight:600; " > {{ __ ( 'public.work-location' ) }} </ p >
< div id = " text_news_workplace_ { { $nach -> id } } " > {{ isset ( $nach -> additional_fields [ 'workplace' ]) ? \Str :: limit ( $nach -> additional_fields [ 'workplace' ], 30 , ' ...' ) : '-' }}
</ div >
</ p >
< p class = " card-text " >
< p style = " font-weight:600; " > {{ __ ( 'public.contact-data' ) }} </ p >
< div id = " text_news_contact_info_ { { $nach -> id } } " > { !! isset ( $nach -> additional_fields [ 'contact_info' ]) ? \Str :: limit ( $nach -> additional_fields [ 'contact_info' ], 30 , ' ...' ) : '-' !! }
</ div >
</ p >
@ endif
< div id = " box_action_ { { $nach->id }} " ></ div >
</ div >
< div class = " card-body payment-request " id = " payment-request- { { $nach->id }} " >
< h2 class = " text-center " >< i class = " far fa-gem fa-2x " style = " font-size: 20px; " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.premium-content' ) }} </ h2 >
@ if ( ! empty ( $nach -> premium_until ) and $nach -> premium_until > date ( 'Y-m-d' ))
< small class = " text-center d-block " > {{ __ ( 'public.article-requires-payment' ) }} mjn < div id = " counter_ { { $nach->id }} " data - id = " { { $nach->id }} " data - date = " { { $nach->premium_until }} " class = " counter-class " >-</ div ></ small >
@ endif
< p class = " text-center " > To read the article
@ if ( ! empty ( $nach -> premium_until ) and $nach -> premium_until > date ( 'Y-m-d' ))
{{ __ ( 'public.now' ) }} now
@ endif
{{ __ ( 'public.please-pay' ) }} {{ $nach -> paid }} sats </ p >
< br >
< p class = " text-center " >
< a href = " #ln-invoice- { { $nach->id }} " data - id = " { { $nach->id }} " class = " btn btn-warning get-collapse-invoice " >< i class = " fas fa-bolt " ></ i > Pay {{ $nach -> paid }} sats </ a >
< br >
< a href = " " class = " howtopay " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #exampleModalCode " > {{ __ ( 'public.use' ) }} < i class = " fal fa-gem " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.premium-pass' ) }} </ a >
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
@ include ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.includes.explain-lightning' )
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
< br >
< / p >
< div class = " row collapse " id = " ln-invoice- { { $nach->id }} " >
< div class = " col-sm-6 offset-sm-3 " >
< a class = " pay-news pay-news- { { $nach->id }} " data - id = " { { $nach -> id } } " style = " cursor:pointer !important; " ></ a >
< br >
< div id = " pay-news-title- { { $nach->id }} " > </ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
@ if ( env ( 'APP_COMMENTS' , false ))
< div class = " card-footer " id = " comment_button_ { { $nach -> id } } " >
@ if ( sizeof ( $nach -> comments ) > 0 )
< a href = " # " onclick = " showComments(event, { { $nach -> id } }) " > < span class = " badge badge-primary " > {{ sizeof ( $nach -> comments )}} </ span > {{ __ ( 'public.display-comments' ) }}{{ __ ( 'public.see-comments' ) }} </ a >
@ else
< i > {{ __ ( 'public.no-comments-yet' ) }} </ i >
@ endif
< button class = " btn btn-primary btn-sm float-right " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #exampleModal2 " onclick = " setCommentId( { { $nach -> id } }),ga('send', 'event', 'Read Comments', 'Website', ' { { $nach -> title } }'); " >
< i class = " fas fa-comment " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.comment' ) }}
</ button >
</ div >
@ endif
< div style = " display:none " id = " comments_ { { $nach -> id } } " >
< div class = " card-footer bg-primary " >
< a class = " text-white " > < span class = " badge badge-light " > {{ sizeof ( $nach -> comments )}} </ span > {{ __ ( 'public.no-comments-yet' ) }} </ a >
< button class = " btn btn-dark btn-sm float-right " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #exampleModal2 " onclick = " setCommentId( { { $nach -> id } }),ga('send', 'event', 'Create Comment', 'Modal for Comment Creation', ' { { $nach -> title } }'); " >
< i class = " fas fa-comment " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.comment' ) }}
</ button >
</ div >
< table >
@ foreach ( $nach -> comments as $comment )
< row >
< div class = " card-footer " >
< i class = " fas fa-user " style = " color: #007BFF " ></ i > {{ $comment -> name }} :
<!-- For now taking that out , time is wrong ... -->
< span class = " float-right " title = " { { date('d.m.Y | H:i', strtotime( $comment->created_at ))}} Uhr " > {{ date ( 'd.m.Y H:i' , strtotime ( $comment -> created_at ))}} Uhr </ span >
</ div >
< div class = " card-body comment-text " >
< p class = " card-text " >
{{ $comment -> comment }}
</ p >
</ div >
</ row >
@ endforeach
</ table >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
@ else
< div class = " col-lg-12 " >
< div class = " card shadow-lg " id = " news- { { $nach -> id } } " >
@ if ( \Session :: get ( 'premium_code' ) and $nach -> paid != 0 and ( empty ( $nach -> premium_until ) or $nach -> premium_until > date ( 'Y-m-d' )))
< div class = " bg-ci text-center top-border-radius " style = " font-size: 12px; " >< i class = " fal fa-gem " ></ i > Premium content </ div >
@ endif
< div class = " card-body " >
@ if ( $nach -> created_at -> diffInHours ( date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )) < 1 )
< div class = " progress " style = " height: 30px; " >
< div class = " progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated bg-warning " role = " progressbar " aria - valuenow = " 100 " aria - valuemin = " 0 " aria - valuemax = " 100 " style = " width: 100% " >
< span style = " color: black; font-size: 16px; " > {{ $nach -> created_at -> diffForHumans () }} veröffentlicht </ span >
</ div >
</ div >
< br >
@ endif
< a href = " { { route('nachrichten.get', [ $nach->category ->slug, $nach->slug ]) }} " >
< h2 class = " card-title " > {{ $nach -> title }} </ h2 >
</ a >
< h6 class = " card-subtitle mb-2 " >
@ if ( $nach -> user and $nach -> user -> public_author == 1 )
< a class = " text-dark " href = " { { route('author.get', [ $nach->user ->slug]) }} " >
< img src = " { { $nach->user ->gravatar() }} " width = " 32 " class = " rounded-circle " >
{{ $nach -> user -> name }} </ a > - < span style = " font-weight: normal " class = " text-dark " " > { { date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime( $nach->created_at ))}}</span>
@ else
< span style = " font-weight: normal " class = " text-dark " " > { { date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime( $nach->created_at ))}}</span>
@ endif
</ h6 >
@ if ( $nach -> category )
< a href = " { { route('category.get', [ $nach->category ->slug]) }} " >
< div class = " badge badge-primary " >
< p style = " margin:3px;font-size:15px; " > {{ $nach -> category -> name }} </ p >
</ div >
</ a >
@ endif
@ if ( $nach -> image )
< img src = " { { asset('uploads/' . $nach->image ) }} " class = " img-responsive " style = " max-width: 100%;margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top:20px; display: block; " >
@ endif
< p class = " card-text " >
{ !! $nach -> nachrichten !! }
</ p >
@ if ( $nach -> type_id == 2 )
< p class = " card-text " >
< p style = " font-weight:600; " > {{ __ ( 'public.work-location' ) }} </ p > {{ isset ( $nach -> additional_fields [ 'workplace' ]) ? $nach -> additional_fields [ 'workplace' ] : '-' }}
</ p >
< p class = " card-text " >
< p style = " font-weight:600; " > {{ __ ( 'public.contact-data' ) }} </ p > { !! isset ( $nach -> additional_fields [ 'contact_info' ]) ? $nach -> additional_fields [ 'contact_info' ] : '-' !! }
</ p >
@ endif
@ if ( $nach -> type_id == 3 )
< hr >
< div class = " row " >
@ if ( $nach -> show_total_paid_action == 1 )
@ if ( $nach -> actions -> count () > 1 )
< div class = " col-12 " >
< i class = " text-center " > {{ __ ( 'public.vote-distribution' ) }} </ i >
< div class = " progress " >
@ foreach ( $nach -> actions as $action )
< div class = " progress-bar bg- { { $action->color }} " role = " progressbar " style = " width: { { !empty( $nach->total_paid_actions ()) ? round(( $action->payments ()->where('status', 1)->sum('amount') * 100) / $nach->total_paid_actions ()) : 0 }}% " aria - valuenow = " 66 " aria - valuemin = " 0 " aria - valuemax = " 100 " title = " { { $action->payments ()->where('status', 1)->sum('amount') }} sats " > {{ ! empty ( $nach -> total_paid_actions ()) ? round (( $action -> payments () -> where ( 'status' , 1 ) -> sum ( 'amount' ) * 100 ) / $nach -> total_paid_actions ()) : 0 }} % </ div >
@ endforeach
</ div >
< br >
</ div >
@ endif
@ endif
@ foreach ( $nach -> actions as $action )
< div class = " col " >
< small > {{ $action -> description }} </ small >
< br >
@ if ( $action -> type == 2 )
< br >
< textarea class = " form-control " id = " message_action_ { { $action->id }} " rows = " 3 " placeholder = " Write here your message.. " ></ textarea >
@ endif
<!-- @ if ( $nach -> show_total_paid_action == 1 )
< br >
@ if ( $action -> type == 5 )
< i class = " text-center " > Donation Goal : 10000 sats .</ i >
< div class = " progress " >
< div class = " progress-bar bg- { { $action->color }} " role = " progressbar " aria - valuenow = " { { $action->payments ()->where('status', 1)->sum('amount') }} " aria - valuemin = " 0 " aria - valuemax = " 1000 " > {{ $action -> payments () -> where ( 'status' , 1 ) -> sum ( 'amount' ) }} sats </ div >
</ div >
@ else
< i class = " text-center " > Total paid : {{ $nach -> actions -> first () -> payments () -> where ( 'status' , 1 ) -> sum ( 'amount' ) }} sats </ i >
@ endif
@ endif -->
</ div >
@ endforeach
</ div >
< div class = " row " >
@ foreach ( $nach -> actions as $action )
< div class = " col " >
< a href = " " style = " margin-top: 20px; " id = " action { { $action->id }} " class = " btn btn- { { $action->color }} mx-0 d-block get-action-invoice " data - id = " { { $action->id }} " data - type = " { { $action->type }} " data - execute = " 0 " >< i class = " fal fa- { { $action->icon }} " ></ i > {{ $action -> name }} for {{ $action -> amount }} sats .</ a >
</ div >
@ endforeach
</ div >
@ endif
@ if ( sizeof ( $nach -> files ) > 0 )
< br >
< h5 > {{ __ ( 'public.files-download' ) }} </ h5 >
< div class = " row " >
@ foreach ( $nach -> files as $file )
< div class = " col-lg-12 " >
< a href = " { { asset( $file->url )}} " class = " btn btn-primary " onclick = " ga('send', 'event', 'File Download', 'User', ' { { $file -> filename } }'); " >
< i class = " fas fa-download " ></ i >
{{ $file -> filename }}
</ a >
< br >
< br >
</ div >
@ endforeach
</ div >
@ endif
</ div >
@ if ( env ( 'APP_COMMENTS' , false ))
< div class = " card-footer " id = " comment_button_ { { $nach -> id } } " >
@ if ( sizeof ( $nach -> comments ) > 0 )
< a href = " # " onclick = " showComments(event, { { $nach -> id } }) " > < span class = " badge badge-primary " > {{ sizeof ( $nach -> comments )}} </ span > {{ __ ( 'public.see-comments' ) }} </ a >
@ else
< i > {{ __ ( 'public.no-comments-yet' ) }} </ i >
@ endif
< button class = " btn btn-primary btn-sm float-right " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #exampleModal2 " onclick = " setCommentId( { { $nach -> id } }),ga('send', 'event', 'Read Comments', 'Website', ' { { $nach -> title } }'); " >
< i class = " fas fa-comment " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.comment' ) }}
</ button >
</ div >
@ endif
< div style = " display:none " id = " comments_ { { $nach -> id } } " >
< div class = " card-footer bg-primary " >
< a class = " text-white " > < span class = " badge badge-light " > {{ sizeof ( $nach -> comments )}} </ span > {{ __ ( 'public.comments' ) }} </ a >
< button class = " btn btn-dark btn-sm float-right " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #exampleModal2 " onclick = " setCommentId( { { $nach -> id } }),ga('send', 'event', 'Create Comment', 'Modal for Comment Creation', ' { { $nach -> title } }'); " >
< i class = " fas fa-comment " ></ i > {{ __ ( 'public.comment' ) }}
</ button >
</ div >
< table >
@ foreach ( $nach -> comments as $comment )
< row >
< div class = " card-footer " >
< i class = " fas fa-user " style = " color: #007BFF " ></ i > {{ $comment -> name }} :
<!-- For now taking that out , time is wrong ... -->
< span class = " float-right " title = " { { date('d.m.Y | H:i', strtotime( $comment->created_at ))}} Uhr " > {{ date ( 'd.m.Y H:i' , strtotime ( $comment -> created_at ))}} Uhr </ span >
</ div >
< div class = " card-body comment-text " >
< p class = " card-text " >
{{ $comment -> comment }}
</ p >
</ div >
</ row >
@ endforeach
</ table >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
@ endif
</ article >
</ div >
</ div >
</ section >
< section >
< div class = " container " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-lg-12 " >
< hr >
< br >
< br >
< br >
< h3 > {{ __ ( 'public.read-more' ) }} </ h3 >
< br >
</ div >
@ foreach ( $categories -> take ( 4 ) -> shuffle () -> all () as $category )
< div class = " col-sm-6 { { (isset( $categoryModel ) and $category->id == $categoryModel->id ) ? 'd-none' : '' }} " >
< a href = " { { url('/' . $category->slug ) }} " onclick = " location.href = ' { { url('/' . $category->slug ) }}'; " >
< div class = " card info-card shadow-lg " style = " margin-bottom: 30px; " >
< div class = " card-body " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-8 " >
< h5 class = " card-title " >
< i class = "
@ if ( $category -> icon == 'bitcoin' )
@ else
@ endif
fa - {{ $category -> icon }} " style= " font - size : 1.3 rem " >
</ i > {{ $category -> name }}
</ h5 >
</ div >
< div class = " col-4 text-right " >
< h5 >< i class = " fal fa-arrow-circle-right fa-3x " style = " font-size: 30px; " ></ i ></ h5 >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ a >
</ div >
@ endforeach
</ div >
</ div >
</ section >
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
@ include ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.includes.type-iptt' )
@ include ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.includes.new-comment' )
@ include ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.includes.premium-pass-qr' )
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
@ if ( ! \Session :: get ( 'premium_code' ))
@ if ( env ( 'PAYMENT' , false ))
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
@ include ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.includes.premium-pass' )
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
@ endif
@ else
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
@ include ( 'template.' . config ( 'settings.template' ) . '.content.includes.premium-referral' )
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
@ endif
@ stop
@ section ( 'scripts' )
< script src = " https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jscroll/2.4.1/jquery.jscroll.min.js " ></ script >
< script src = " https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-cookie/1.4.1/jquery.cookie.min.js " ></ script >
< script src = " https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery.countdown/2.2.0/jquery.countdown.min.js " ></ script >
< script src = " { { asset('template/js/dropzone.min.js') }} " ></ script >
< script src = " { { asset('template/js/fslightbox.js') }} " ></ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " https://js.stripe.com/v2/ " ></ script >
< script >
toastr . options = {
" progressBar " : true
</ script >
@ if ( env ( 'APP_WRITE' , false ))
< script src = " https://cdn.tiny.cloud/1/0015awrvvurgnwz3e0uid83chhzb7lnbi6wyn4ukk7b4lh9k/tinymce/5/tinymce.min.js " referrerpolicy = " origin " ></ script >
< script src = " { { asset('template/js/tiny-de.js') }} " ></ script >
@ endif
@ if ( \Session :: has ( 'success_plan' ))
< script >
toastr . success ( '{{ \Session::get(' success_plan ') }}' , 'Success!' );
</ script >
@ endif
< script >
$ ( '.enter-premium-code' ) . submit ( function () {
event . preventDefault ();
var code = $ ( '#premium_code' ) . val ();
$ ( '.btn-enter-premium' ) . append ( '<i class="fas fa-sync fa-spin fa-premium-enter" style="font-size: 17px;color: #fff;margin-left:12px;position: relative;left:6px;display: inline-block !important;margin:auto;text-align:center;"></i>' );
$ . ajax ({
type : 'GET' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
url : " { { url('enterPremiumCode') }}/ " + code ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ ( '.fa-premium-enter' ) . remove ();
if ( data . code == 1 ) {
$ ( '#content_premium' ) . html ( '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">Code not found or expired.</div>' );
if ( data . code == 2 ) {
$ ( '#content_premium' ) . html ( '<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">Make the payment to activate your code. Payment expiration: ' + data . payment_expired + ' <br> <br><a href="lightning:' + data . payment_request + '"><img src="data:image/png;base64,' + data . qr_code + '" class="img-fluid rounded mx-auto d-block"/></a></div>' );
if ( data . code == 3 ) {
window . location . href = '{{ url("/") }}' ;
error : function ( data ) {
$ ( '.fa-premium-enter' ) . remove ();
alert ( 'error!' );
$ ( document ) . on ( 'shown.bs.modal' , '.modal' , function () {
$ ( this ) . find ( '[autofocus]' ) . focus ();
$ . ajaxSetup ({
headers : { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN' : $ ( 'meta[name="csrf-token"]' ) . attr ( 'content' ) }
if ( $ . cookie ( 'close_premium_alert' ) == undefined ){
$ ( '#alert-premium' ) . css ( 'display' , 'block' );
$ ( '.bg-premium-code' ) . css ( 'display' , 'none' );
} else {
$ ( '#alert-premium' ) . css ( 'display' , 'none' );
$ ( '.bg-premium-code' ) . css ( 'display' , 'block' );
$ ( '.close-premium' ) . click ( function () {
$ ( '#alert-premium' ) . css ( 'display' , 'none' );
$ ( '.bg-premium-code' ) . css ( 'display' , 'block' );
$ . cookie ( 'close_premium_alert' , true );
$ ( '.bg-premium-code' ) . click ( function () {
$ ( '#alert-premium' ) . css ( 'display' , 'block' );
$ ( '.bg-premium-code' ) . css ( 'display' , 'none' );
$ . removeCookie ( 'close_premium_alert' );
function update_counter (){
$ ( " .counter-class " ) . each ( function () {
var id = $ ( this ) . data ( 'id' );
var date = $ ( this ) . data ( 'date' );
$ ( " #counter_ " + id )
. countdown ( date , function ( event ) {
$ ( this ) . text (
event . strftime ( '%-D day%!D %Hh %Mmin %Ssec.' )
update_counter ();
$ ( document ) . on ( 'submit' , '#formStripePremium' , function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
$ ( '.btn-sub-stripe' ) . append ( '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spinner-bt fa-spin fa-3x fa-fw" style="font-size:20px;margin-left:10px;"></i>' );
2021-06-01 20:44:02 +00:00
Stripe . setPublishableKey ( '{{ config(' settings . stripe_publish_key ') }}' );
2020-09-30 09:01:51 +00:00
var valid = $ ( '[name="card_valid"]' ) . val ();
var valid = valid . split ( '-' );
var year = valid [ 0 ];
var moth = valid [ 1 ];
Stripe . card . createToken ({
number : $ ( '[name="card_number"]' ) . val (),
cvc : $ ( '[name="card_csv"]' ) . val (),
exp_month : moth ,
exp_year : year
}, stripeResponseHandler );
function stripeResponseHandler ( status , response ) {
// Grab the form:
var $form = $ ( '#payment-form' );
if ( response . error ) { // Problem!
toastr . remove ();
$ ( '.fa-spinner-bt' ) . remove ();
toastr . error ( 'Error!' , response . error . message );
return ;
} else { // Token was created!
// Get the token ID:
var token = response . id ;
var id = $ ( '#stripe_premium_code_id' ) . val ();
$ . ajax ({
type : 'POST' ,
data : {
'token_stripe' : token ,
'email_stripe' : $ ( '#email_stripe' ) . val ()
dataType : 'json' ,
url : " { { url('verifyInvoiceByPlanStripe') }}/ " + id ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data . status == 3 ) {
toastr . remove ();
$ ( '.fa-spinner-bt' ) . remove ();
alert ( 'Error! Please try again.' );
if ( data . status == 2 ) {
window . location . href = '{{ url("/") }}' ;
error : function ( data ) {
toastr . remove ();
$ ( '.fa-spinner-bt' ) . remove ();
toastr . error ( 'Error!' , 'Error Ajax' );
function number_format ( number , decimals , dec_point , thousands_sep ) {
// Strip all characters but numerical ones.
number = ( number + '' ) . replace ( / [ ^ 0 - 9 + \ - Ee . ] / g , '' );
var n = ! isFinite ( + number ) ? 0 : + number ,
prec = ! isFinite ( + decimals ) ? 0 : Math . abs ( decimals ),
sep = ( typeof thousands_sep === 'undefined' ) ? ',' : thousands_sep ,
dec = ( typeof dec_point === 'undefined' ) ? '.' : dec_point ,
s = '' ,
toFixedFix = function ( n , prec ) {
var k = Math . pow ( 10 , prec );
return '' + Math . round ( n * k ) / k ;
// Fix for IE parseFloat(0.55).toFixed(0) = 0;
s = ( prec ? toFixedFix ( n , prec ) : '' + Math . round ( n )) . split ( '.' );
if ( s [ 0 ] . length > 3 ) {
s [ 0 ] = s [ 0 ] . replace ( / \B ( ? = ( ? : \d { 3 }) + ( ? ! \d )) / g , sep );
if (( s [ 1 ] || '' ) . length < prec ) {
s [ 1 ] = s [ 1 ] || '' ;
s [ 1 ] += new Array ( prec - s [ 1 ] . length + 1 ) . join ( '0' );
return s . join ( dec );
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.lnd-pay-card' , function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
var premium_code_id = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-premium-id' );
var premium_plan_days = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-premium-days' );
var premium_expired_at = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-expired-at' );
var btc_base = parseFloat ( $ ( '#amountBtc' ) . val ());
var premium_amount = ( parseInt ( $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-amount' )) / 100000000 * btc_base );
console . log ( premium_amount );
var formatted_amount = number_format ( premium_amount , 2 , '.' , '' );
$ ( '#stripe_premium_code_id' ) . val ( premium_code_id );
if ( premium_code_id > 0 ) {
$ ( '#exampleModalLabelPremiumStripe' ) . html ( '<i class="fal fa-gem"></i> Buy ' + premium_plan_days + ' day Premium Plan' );
$ ( '.span-cost-premium-stripe' ) . html ( '$' + formatted_amount );
$ ( '.span-date-premium-stripe' ) . html ( premium_expired_at );
$ ( '.span-days-premium-stripe' ) . html ( premium_plan_days );
$ ( '.modal' ) . modal ( 'hide' );
$ ( '#stripe-modal' ) . modal ( 'show' );
$ ( document ) . on ( " click " , '.get-premium-invoice' , function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
var id = $ ( this ) . data ( 'id' );
$ ( this ) . append ( '<i class="fas fa-sync fa-spin fa-premium-plan-icon" style="font-size: 20px;color: #fff;margin-left:12px;position: relative;left:12px;display: inline-block !important;margin:auto;text-align:center;"></i>' );
$ . ajax ({
type : 'GET' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
url : " { { url('createInvoicePlan') }}/ " + id ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ ( '.fa-premium-plan-icon' ) . remove ();
$ ( '#exampleModalLabelPremium' ) . html ( '<i class="fal fa-gem"></i> Buy ' + data . premium_plan_days + ' day Premium Plan' );
$ ( '.span-cost-premium' ) . html ( data . amount + ' sats' );
$ ( '.span-date-premium' ) . html ( data . expired_at );
$ ( '.span-days-premium' ) . html ( data . premium_plan_days );
$ ( '.span-qrcode-premium' ) . empty () . html ( '<a href="LIGHTNING:' + data . payment_request + '"><img src="data:image/png;base64,' + data . qr_code + '" class="img-fluid rounded mx-auto d-block"/></a>' );
$ ( '.lnd-pay-card' ) . attr ( 'data-premium-id' , data . premium_code_id );
$ ( '.lnd-pay-card' ) . attr ( 'data-premium-days' , data . premium_plan_days );
$ ( '.lnd-pay-card' ) . attr ( 'data-expired-at' , data . expired_at );
$ ( '.lnd-pay-card' ) . attr ( 'data-amount' , data . amount );
$ ( '.modal' ) . modal ( 'hide' );
$ ( '#buy-pass' ) . modal ( 'show' );
let interval = setInterval ( function (){
verifyIntervalPremium ( data . add_index , data . premium_code_id );
}, 1000 );
function verifyIntervalPremium ( add_index , premium_code_id )
$ . ajax ({
type : 'GET' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
url : " { { url('verifyInvoicePlan') }}/ " + add_index + " / " + premium_code_id ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data . status == 3 ) {
stopInterval ();
alert ( 'Error! Please try again.' );
if ( data . status == 2 ) {
stopInterval ();
window . location . href = '{{ url("/") }}' ;
error : function ( data ) {
function stopInterval ()
clearInterval ( interval );
error : function ( data ) {
$ ( '.fa-premium-plan-icon' ) . remove ();
alert ( 'error!' );
$ ( document ) . on ( " click " , '.get-action-invoice' , function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
var id = $ ( this ) . data ( 'id' );
var type = $ ( this ) . data ( 'type' );
var message = '' ;
if ( type == 2 ) {
if ( $ ( '#message_action_' + id ) . val ()) {
var message = $ ( '#message_action_' + id ) . val ();
$ ( this ) . append ( '<i class="fas fa-sync fa-spin fa-action-plan-icon" style="font-size: 20px;color: #fff;margin-left:12px;position: relative;left:12px;display: inline-block !important;margin:auto;text-align:center;"></i>' );
$ . ajax ({
type : 'POST' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
data : {
'message' : message
url : " { { url('createInvoiceAction') }}/ " + id ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ ( '.fa-action-plan-icon' ) . remove ();
$ ( '#exampleModalLabelAction' ) . html ( '<i class="fal fa-play-circle"></i> ' + data . action_name + ' for ' + data . action_amount + ' sats.' );
$ ( '.span-cost-action' ) . html ( data . action_amount + ' sats' );
$ ( '.span-qrcode-action' ) . empty () . html ( '<a href="LIGHTNING:' + data . payment_request + '"><img src="data:image/png;base64,' + data . qr_code + '" class="img-fluid rounded mx-auto d-block"/></a>' );
$ ( '.span-name-action' ) . html ( data . action_name );
$ ( '#iot-invoice' ) . modal ( 'show' );
let interval = setInterval ( function (){
verifyIntervalAction ( data . add_index , data . id , id );
}, 3000 );
function verifyIntervalAction ( add_index , id , actionId )
console . log ( $ ( '#action' + actionId ) . data ( 'execute' ));
if ( $ ( '#action' + actionId ) . data ( 'execute' ) == 1 ) {
return ;
$ ( '#action' + actionId ) . data ( 'execute' , 1 );
$ . ajax ({
type : 'GET' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
url : " { { url('verifyInvoiceAction') }}/ " + add_index + " / " + id ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data . status == 3 ) {
stopInterval ();
$ ( '#action' + data . action . id ) . data ( 'execute' , 0 );
alert ( 'Error! Please try again.' );
if ( data . status == 2 ) {
stopInterval ();
$ ( '#action' + data . action . id ) . attr ( 'data-execute' , 1 );
if ( data . action . type == 1 ) {
window . location . href = '{{ url("/") }}' ;
if ( data . action . type == 2 ) {
toastr . success ( data . action . name , 'Success!' );
$ ( '.modal' ) . modal ( 'hide' );
if ( data . action . type == 3 ) {
toastr . success ( data . action . name , 'Success!' );
$ ( '.modal' ) . modal ( 'hide' );
if ( data . action . type == 4 ) {
window . open (
data . action . target ,
toastr . success ( data . action . name , 'Success!' );
$ ( '.modal' ) . modal ( 'hide' );
if ( data . status == 1 ) {
$ ( '#action' + actionId ) . data ( 'execute' , 0 );
error : function ( data ) {
function stopInterval ()
clearInterval ( interval );
error : function ( data ) {
$ ( '.fa-action-plan-icon' ) . remove ();
alert ( 'error!' );
</ script >
< script >
$ ( document ) . on ( 'focusin' , function ( e ) {
if ( $ ( e . target ) . closest ( " .tox " ) . length ) {
e . stopImmediatePropagation ();
$ ( '[name="paid"]' ) . change ( function () {
event . preventDefault ();
if ( this . value == 1 ) {
var data_html = '<div class="form-group"><label for="paidAmount">Bezahlbarer Betrag</label><input type="number" value="1000" class="form-control" id="paidAmount" placeholder="Bezahlbarer Betrag" name="paidAmount" required="required"></div>' ;
$ ( '.form-amount' ) . html ( data_html );
} else {
$ ( '.form-amount' ) . empty ();
$ ( document ) . on ( " click " , '.get-collapse-invoice' , function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
var id = $ ( this ) . data ( 'id' );
var isExpanded = $ ( '#ln-invoice-' + id ) . hasClass ( 'show' );
$ ( '#ln-invoice-' + id ) . collapse ( 'toggle' );
if ( isExpanded == false ) {
$ ( '.pay-news-' + id ) . html ( '<i class="fas fa-sync fa-spin" style="font-size: 34px;color: #fff;display: block;margin:auto;text-align:center;"></i>' );
$ . ajax ({
type : 'GET' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
url : " { { url('createInvoice') }}/ " + id ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ ( '.pay-news-' + id ) . empty () . html ( '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + data . qr_code + '" class="img-fluid rounded mx-auto d-block"/>' );
$ ( '.pay-news-' + id ) . attr ( 'href' , 'LIGHTNING:' + data . payment_request );
$ ( '#pay-news-title-' + id ) . empty () . html ( '<div class="input-group mb-3"><div class="input-group-prepend"><span class="input-group-text" id="basic-addon1"> <a href=""><i class="fal fa-copy"></i></a></span></div><input type="text" class="form-control" value="' + data . payment_request + '" aria-describedby="basic-addon1"></div>' );
let interval = setInterval ( function (){
verifyInterval ( data . add_index , data . id );
}, 2000 );
function verifyInterval ( add_index , id )
$ . ajax ({
type : 'GET' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
url : " { { url('verifyInvoice') }}/ " + add_index + " / " + id ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data . status == 3 ) {
stopInterval ();
alert ( 'erro tente novamente!' );
if ( data . status == 2 ) {
stopInterval ();
var content = data . content ;
var idContent = data . id ;
toastr . remove ();
toastr . success ( 'Premium content unlocked.' , 'Success!' );
$ ( '#payment-request-' + idContent ) . remove ();
$ ( '.pay-preview-' + idContent ) . remove ();
$ ( '.card-preview-' + idContent ) . css ( 'background' , 'none' );
$ ( '#text_news_' + idContent ) . html ( content );
if ( data . nach_type == 2 ) {
if ( data . additional_fields . workplace ) {
var workplace = data . additional_fields . workplace ;
} else {
var workplace = " " ;
if ( data . additional_fields . contact_info ) {
var contact_info = data . additional_fields . contact_info ;
} else {
var contact_info = " " ;
if ( data . nach_type == 3 ) {
var content_action = '<hr><div class="row">' ;
jQuery . each ( data . actions , function ( i , val ) {
var class_act = 'col-md-6' ;
if ( data . actions . length == 1 ) {
var class_act = 'col-md-12' ;
content_action += '<div class="' + class_act + '">' ;
content_action += '<small>Description: ' + val . description + '</small><br>' ;
if ( data . show_total_paid_action ) {
if ( data . total_actions == 1 ) {
content_action += '<p>Total paid: ' + data . total_paid_action + ' sats</p>' ;
} else {
if ( data . total_paid_action > 0 ) {
var diff = ( val . total_paid * 100 ) / data . total_paid_action ;
} else {
var diff = 0 ;
content_action += '<div class="progress">' ;
content_action += '<div class="progress-bar bg-' + val . color + '" role="progressbar" style="width: ' + diff + '%" aria-valuenow="66" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">' + val . total_paid + ' sats</div>' ;
content_action += '</div>' ;
content_action += '<a href="" id="action' + val . id + '" style="margin-top: 20px;" class="btn btn-' + val . color + ' mx-0 d-block get-action-invoice" data-id="' + val . id + '" data-type="' + val . type + '" data-execute="0"><i class="fal fa-' + val . icon + '"></i> ' + val . name + ' for ' + val . amount + ' sats.</a>' ;
content_action += '</div>' ;
content_action += '</div>' ;
$ ( '#box_action_' + idContent ) . html ( content_action );
$ ( '#text_news_workplace_' + idContent ) . html ( workplace );
$ ( '#text_news_contact_info_' + idContent ) . html ( contact_info );
error : function ( data ) {
function stopInterval ()
clearInterval ( interval );
error : function ( data ) {
alert ( 'error!' );
} else {
$ ( '.pay-news-' + id ) . empty ();
$ ( '#pay-news-title-' + id ) . empty ();
tinymce . init ({
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editor . on ( 'change' , function ( e ) {
editor . save ();
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myDropzone = Dropzone . options . imageDropzone = {
url : '{{ url(' addFile ') }}' ,
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'X-CSRF-TOKEN' : " { { csrf_token() }} "
success : function ( file , response ) {
$ ( 'form' ) . append ( '<input type="hidden" name="files[]" value="' + response . name + '|' + response . original_name + '">' )
uploadedDocumentMap [ file . name ] = response . name
removedfile : function ( file ) {
file . previewElement . remove ()
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name = file . file_name
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name = uploadedDocumentMap [ file . name ]
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< script >
function setCommentId ( id ) {
document . getElementById ( 'comment_nach_id' ) . value = id
function showComments ( event , id ) {
event . preventDefault ();
document . getElementById ( 'comment_button_' + id ) . style . display = 'none' ;
document . getElementById ( 'comments_' + id ) . style . display = " " ;
return false ;
function angebote () {
window . location . href = " { { url('angebote')}} "
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@ stop