TinyMCE - The JavaScript Rich Text editor ========================================== Building TinyMCE ----------------- 1. Install Node.js 2. Open a console and go to the project directory 3. Write "npm install" to install all Node.js modules needed 4. Build TinyMCE by writing "jake" Build tasks ------------ `jake` Runs the minifyjs, less, jshint build tasks. `jake -T` List all build tasks. `jake minify` Compiles the core classes, plugins and themes into minified versions. `jake less` Compiles all LESS based skins into css files that can be included in the browser. `jake jshint` Runs all js code though jshint. `jake release` Builds release packages with the version specified in changelog.txt. `jake bundle[themes:*]` Bundles all themes into the tinymce core js files. `jake bundle[plugins:*]` Bundles all plugins into the tinymce core js files. Bundle themes and plugins into core example ------------------------------------------- `jake minify bundle[themes:modern,plugins:table,paste]` Minifies the core, adds the modern theme and adds the table and paste plugin into tinymce.min.js. Contributing to the TinyMCE project ------------------------------------ You can read more about how to contribute to this project at [http://www.tinymce.com/develop/contributing.php](http://www.tinymce.com/develop/contributing.php)